International Journal of Life Sciences and Biotechnology otechn is an international peer-reviewed journal. It is aimed to publish at least three numbers a year. In our journal, original research articles and compilations in the fields of Life Sciences, Biology, Biotechnology, Bioengineering, Agricultural Sciences, Food Biotechnology and Genetics are published. Manuscripts submitted to the journal can be written in Turkish and English. It is compulsory that the works to be published in IJLSB magazine should not be published in any place or sent to any other journal for publication.
The objective of the journal is the publication of original research in Informatics and Applied Mathematics with high-level contributions in terms of originality, depth and relevance. The journal focuses on the development, implementation and execution of algorithms on new trends. IJIAM is free of charge, open access, double blind peer-reviewed and biannually. IJIAM offers immediate access to its content according to the principle that the free provision of research to the public promotes a greater global exchange of knowledge.
The objective of the journal is the publication of original research in Applied and Computational Mathematics, Applied Sciences on Mathematics. The journal has the usual quality standards of scientific international journals and we aim high level of contributions in terms of originality, depth and relevance. JETAS is an open access (JETAS is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access), free of charge, double-blind peer-reviewed, tri-annual, the journal for the dissemination of applied technical scholarship.
Business & Management Studies: An International Journal (BMIJ) is an international online journal that is published 3 times in a year -4 times from 2019 on- in English and Turkish. The purpose of BMIJ is publishing the scientific research in various fields of Business and Management Sciences. All kinds of transactions and the application about the journal can be made from The scientific responsibility of articles belongs to the authors.
The Journal of History Culture and Art Research is an international peer-reviewed academic journal founded by the Karabuk University History Culture and Art Research Center (KÜTAKSAM). Published in the journal four times a year, all sub-branches of Social Sciences are published. The editor of the journal Karabük University Faculty of Letters Department of Sociology Faculty Member Assist. Assoc. Dr. It is run by Sinan Yılmaz.
Mathematical Advances in Pure and Applied Sciences (MAPAS) is an international peer reviewed journal devoted to publishing original research papers in all fields of Mathematics and Computer Sciences. MAPAS also accepts articles on the interactions of Mathematics and Computer Sciences with other pure and applied sciences.
The European Food Science and Engineering is doubled-blind peer-reviewed journal published two times a year (march and september) accepting only English manuscript. EFSE supports open access to manuscript it publishes and does not have Article Processing Charge (APC) or any submission charges.
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